Dr. Steven Geanopulos is a renowned Board-Certified Chiropractic Neurologist dedicated to holistic health. His expertise lies in addressing intricate health challenges with innovative custom strategies. Dr. Geanopulos has founded an ecosystem for providers and patients to gain access to premium health services and products. His tailored approach is based on the driving change to improve metabolic health markers for optimal health. Dr. Geanopulos is a keen listener who places your needs at the forefront. By partnering with him, you’re not only receiving care; you’re being empowered to take the reins on your health journey. Experience the transformative power of functional health under his expert guidance.
In this episode of TechTalk Podcast, Brad Cost, Dr. Jay Greenstein, DC, and Dr. Steven Geanopulos sit down to discuss:
Emphasizing how team work will always make the dream work.
Finding ways to explain complicated things in terms that anyone can understand.
The company behind Dr. Steven Geanopulos and just how it will make your life easier.
1:49 – Explaining complicated things in a way anyone can understand. “I graduated 29 years ago from Parker Chiropractic University and immediately after graduating from there, I entered into a post-graduate three-year neurology program that I'm very proud of. The nervous system is everything -- it's what allows me to understand our profession in its purest form. I just needed to know more. I started practice with 80% being traditional chiropractic care and 20% being what we would call brain based. Brain based would include anything from children with developmental challenges to senior citizens with early Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and everything in between. I really settled on sports concussion for quite some time. Because the central nervous system and your digestive health is so connected, you couldn't have somebody with a brain disorder without having metabolic disorders. In the early 2000s, I found it necessary to understand more about metabolic health. I love to just understand things. My parents are both uneducated Greek immigrants and on my school breaks, I would explain to my mom, in a way she could understand, some pretty complicated aspects of health. That skill that I developed made it possible for me to communicate these messages with my patients throughout my career. I decided I was going to use that skill set of explaining things and my background on social media - just put up a bunch of videos of me being kind of boring with no sense of humor and no smile and just vomiting what I know in 90 second clips. People ate it up. They shared it like crazy. I went viral and it's been a really incredible experience because I have a worldwide following. It's just been a remarkable experience changing the way people think. It's amazing. As doctors, we try to dumb things down because we think people don't understand, but they want to understand it. They're eager to learn more. With my background of chiropractic neurology, metabolic health, and blood chemistry, it's like I’ve come to be a messenger in that environment.”
7:32 – Trusting your doctors. “Being a sole proprietor, you naturally have to learn something about business. You have to learn about leases, negotiation, buying, hiring, firing, all the basic things. But now we're looking at becoming an entrepreneur in the sense of creating a bigger vision. That started during the pandemic when you just couldn't ignore the metabolic health of the American public. The medical profession made a conscious choice to not fix metabolic problems and to treat metabolic disease. So, who's going to pick up the mantle? If your patients are suffering with aches and pains and things that bring people to a chiropractic office, and there's a significant percentage of that problem caused by their metabolic health and we ignore it, it's at our own peril. There are 60,000 licensed, board-certified chiropractors in the United States that are educated to be primary portal event entry providers. Our job as chiropractors is to remove the interference with the optimal expression of health. People have metabolic interference, and it needs to be identified and addressed in a natural way. From an entrepreneurial standpoint, I saw that opportunity and wanted to take it. Prior to the pandemic, 71-76% of the American public trusted their medical doctor, their primary care physician. Now that number's down to 37%. This is in large part due to their own failure. They earned this decline, but who's getting hurt by it? The patients, the American public. All you have to look at is the Make America Healthy Again movement, which was a long time coming and is here to stay. People in traditional medical circles are speaking our language, saying things I've been saying for 25 years and longer. It's good to know that our instincts were correct all these years. These new messengers in the medical profession are very good because they hold credibility in the public's eye, but they're not very good at delivering solutions, which is something we're very good at. That's really where the opportunity sits.”
14:27 – Making Americans healthy again! “Most people understand that heart disease, cancer, autoimmunity, children with developmental challenges and everything that's chronic has not only dramatically increased in the last decade, two decades, three decades, but they're happening younger and younger. Younger people are being diagnosed with all of these disorders, and we know as chiropractors, the basic principles of our profession are that the body is constantly moving towards health. It's constantly trying to adapt to an environment that's challenging. Oftentimes, that challenge is good for us, meaning if we're too comfortable in our world, then there's little stimulus. That's why we work out! The whole purpose of working out is to put a hermetic stressor onto the system so we can adapt and get stronger. That holds true in every aspect. It holds true with our immune system, our neuromuscular skeletal system, our nervous system. Make America Healthy Again is an attempt to restore our adaptability. Because our job is to remove the interference with the optimal expression of health, identifying that interference has been about removing structural interference and allowing the nervous system to better communicate with the environment. That's served us very, very well. The problem is there's physical, mental, and toxic stress. The way x-rays has helped us understand joints, discs, bone spurs and degenerative changes, blood work can help us do the same. However, a chiropractor certainly looks at an x-ray a little bit differently than an orthopedist. Both are incredibly valuable, but blood work should be the same. A chiropractor who understands blood work should be looking at it as a model for interference that could be adjusted by adjusting lifestyle, diet, and nutrition. This would help us move those blood chemistry markers towards health and allow us an opportunity to know where we're at right now and where we could be in a realistic amount of time.”
27:38 – Dr. Steven Geanopulos’ company. “We created a company during the pandemic that was based on this principle - your patients are under metabolic stress, and it needs to be identified and corrected. If your practice, Johnny Chiropractor, anywhere USA is a client of ours, we provide a process where your staff would arrange for your patients to go get lab work done. That lab work result would come to us, and we would generate a report, which would have all of the recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and nutritional supplementation, followed by a 12 week follow up to redo the blood work and see what changes have taken place. We created a macro system of writing reports - it is a complete and accurate report that explains it in terminology that people can understand. We also provided a video education process. We don't want the chiropractors sitting knee to knee with a patient explaining what that report means. I would rather the patient have the report in front of them, written for them to understand, with a video education process where everything is explained. When the patient walks into the office, they’ve had their report, video training, and recommendations, so they are ready to get going. Now, that doctor can charge for a complete process and procedure in which the metabolic health of that patient is going to have a program for them without having to put the hours into it. That's the process. We created a minimum viable product where we could take on a maximum of so many clients and we maxed out pretty quickly because it's analog (not AI).”
32:44 - The revenue model. “Basically, one of the two areas of revenue generation for the doctor is in the report, right? The report, the education, all of that. We charge the doctor $175 for everything and the doctor can charge what they want to charge. There is an effort that the doctor, office and staff have to make. There is some training they have to do, so they can charge for that. The second area of revenue generation for the doctor is the nutritional supplement side, we have our own nutritional supplement company. It's a limited number of products for a reason. The limitation is based on the fact that we do a specific kind of blood panel. We only choose nutritional supplements that move the needle on blood work. Because we're the manufacturer, doctors get to purchase those products at the same price as they would purchase any other supplement product in the industry and make that profit yourself. The model is on nutritional supplementation as well as the product and service of the report. Our clients on the low end can increase their revenue by $5,000 to $10,000 a month in products and services. Our clients on the high end can increase their revenue by $50,000 to $100,000 a month. Again, this report that we're providing is $175 for the doctor and you can pretty much charge what you want. Some doctors are even just creating a whole metabolic package and offering a three-month package at this price.”
35:01 - How and where it works. “All 50 states. New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island are different because the patient has to pay the lab in those three states, whereas the patient can pay the doctor in all 47 other states. You get an account – what your insurance company would pay $3,000 for a comprehensive wellness panel is really costing you about $175. That's remarkable to me – a self-pay lab test. A CBC gives a wealth of information and only costs $3. It's remarkable how inexpensive blood work is, so our model is a non-insurance dependent model. It's purely self-pay and people are more than happy to pay for this information because the value is in the interpretation of the bloodwork. That's what you're charging for. People are getting educated and it’s really changing lives.”
35:56 – Teamwork makes the dream work. “It's branded underneath the chiropractor's office, but it's coming from us both. These chiropractors have teamed up with the best in the industry on natural approaches to reversing metabolic health challenges, so they can order a set of blood work and work together on their patients’ structural and metabolic health. When the chiropractor walks into the room with a patient and has the report, fully concurs with the findings, and thinks the recommendations are what you should do to move forward, they are the trusted advisor. The patient doesn't know us. They would’ve seen our videos that I am in because we do the education, but they didn't come to me - they came to the chiropractor.”